I don't know what it is with the golden arch, but I had a Big Mac today, and my mouth tasted horrible afterwards. My thought is that the quality of the beef patty left a bad aftertaste in my mouth, or that I just haven't been eating enough beef recently and am not accustomed to it. The taste is comprable to eating day-old white castle burgers. nasty.
After seeing Supersize Me and understanding that McDonalds has been selective in it's transparency about suppliers and it's meat inspection process, I figure I can probably get a better burger somewhere else.
Besides, I've found out that eating proportionally twice as many vegetables as meat and carbs has been beneficial for my energy level throughout the day and I daresay my health. Cooking for myself has been helpful in coming to that conclusion, since I don't have the competence to cook much meat outside of chicken.
to summarize?
"The only good thing about McDonalds are their ice cream and apple pies."
"Eat food, not much. Eat more vegetables."
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